Relasjonen estetikk – epistemologi – etikk og fagdidaktikk. Et semiotisk-kommunikativt perspektiv på estetikk og utdanning


  • Sigmund Ongstad Faculty of Education and International Studies, Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway



This theoretical article aims at revealing intrinsic relationships, on the one hand, between a series of different communicational and didactic aspects grouped under the three key concepts aesthetics, epistemology and ethics. On the other hand it is claimed that the internal dynamics between form, content and act in any cultural utterance in principle is at the core of a series of well-known conceptual triads in both philosophy and education. Although the text mainly argues on a general level by bringing together theoretical views from various sources, it also leans on years of empiric research in the field, investigating different aspects of teaching, knowledge and learning. Even if the main focus is on the relationship between the two mentioned triads, particular attention is also paid to how aesthetics relates to communication, especially in education and (disciplinary) didactics. It proceeds by first clarifying crucial concepts and their reciprocal and problematic nature. It further presents and discusses briefly two important texts in the field of education that have wrestled withthese relationships. Additionally, it is argued that for understanding the triads' impact on researchers' disciplinarity, the overall scope should be extended from linguistics to semiotics. The last part establishes and explains a systematised overview of key triads. Finally,this simplified framework is evaluated, and supplemented by short references to a series of specific studies of triadic issues over the past 15 years before summarising main ideas and arguments.

Author Biography

Sigmund Ongstad, Faculty of Education and International Studies, Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway



How to Cite

Ongstad, S. (2013). Relasjonen estetikk – epistemologi – etikk og fagdidaktikk. Et semiotisk-kommunikativt perspektiv på estetikk og utdanning. Nordic Journal of Art & Research, 2(1).



Articles, peer reviewed