Knowledge management: Progressing from a question to doing a systematic literature search


  • Anita Nordsteien Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences



In the first number of Radiography Open, the article - Knowledge management: How to find the best knowledge sources was published (Nordsteien, 2014). Several free access research databases and resources were presented relating to evidence-based practice (Nortvedt et al., 2012) and the knowledge pyramid of Dicenso, Bayley and Haynes (2009). It is often possible to find a specific article by searching for the title in Google. To find any article on a topic, you will probably succeed by entering the subject in the search field of research databases. However, if the aim is to find all or the best information about a topic, you have to use advanced search techniques. Illustrating how to do a systematic literature search is the aim of this second brief article on knowledge management.

Author Biography

Anita Nordsteien, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences

PhD candidate at Libray and Information Science




How to Cite

Nordsteien, A. (2015). Knowledge management: Progressing from a question to doing a systematic literature search. Radiography Open, 2(1), 83–86.



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